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I am a self taught artist who attempts to show the emotions, problems and the humour that living in today's society causes us to endure by distorting, disguising and using energy to explain and to show my interpretation of what is really going on. Often people's interpretation of my paintings are very differant and often better than mine, something else for me to learn from. I believe that all art should be an individual response and fun. I also believe that individuals can have a personal relationship with many art forms that becomes a unique experience. Many of my paintings do have their own stories such as how they came to be painted, who was involved and what has happened to them since.

I hope you enjoy my work! Prints and some of my work are available to buy in  print either through my site or via www.easyart.com or from me personally.

J E Honey

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  1. James E Honey avatar
    James E Honey May 30, 2014

    Hi I am originally from England and was adopted so this thing people have about their past means nothing to me. Have a nice day. J

  2. Andrés Trueba Honey avatar
    Andrés Trueba Honey May 30, 2014

    I’m very interested to know your art… I’m from mexico but I have the same last name as you… So my grand father and his fater wich was James Edward Honey Treezise. Would be nice to know more about your job.